Tuesday, December 6, 2011

9 months

Cullen had his 9 month check up yesterday and all is good! He is happy and healthy and he couldn't be more perfect.
*Weight: 23lbs (85%)
*Height: 30 1/4 " (95%)
*Head Cir.:18" (60%) 
*Size 3 diapers
*Size 12-18 month clothes
*Eating stage 3 foods. You love the Gerber cheese puffs! That is your new favorite. You also like cheerios and french fries! You are doing well eating your veggies too! 
*Drinking 3 to 4 bottles a day 7 to 8 oz. but still no juice or water. You don't seem to like it. 
*You are crawling EVERYWHERE...you like to get into Lucy's doggie bowl...YUCK! 
*Pulling up on EVERYTHING you can. You are now standing alone!!!! I guess you will be walking by our 10 month post, unless I can keep knocking you down. 
*You are the happiest  baby I have ever seen, your mouth is always wide open ready to grin at someone or something. You love to "talk" to people and for people to talk to you. You are in awe of your brother's and want to be with them all the time. You can hear their voices at the other end of the house, and as soon as you do, you take off to find them. 
*Playtime...hmmm...your favorite toy is the T.V. remote. If you have it your way though we will be outside. You enjoy the outdoors for sure!

Happy 9 months sweet boy. We love you so much! 

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