Friday, September 17, 2010

Potty Celebration

Mason, Mason, Mason...what a challenge you have been to potty train! You refused to 'poop' on the potty for several months now and FINALLY you did it. Thank goodness!!!! It seems that you have gotten past your fear. I believe, for whatever reason, you truely were afraid of going on the toilet. You had me in tears as you wrapped your arms around my neck sqeezing as tight as you could. I felt your little body shake in fear, your eyes got as big as saucers and your precious voice was quivering. It was then that I realized that you really had a fear of going to the bathroom and this "Mom of the year" (sarcasm) had punished you and spanked you for something that you couldn't help. I am sure that I only made this worse for you! Lesson learned!

This is such a celebration and we are so glad that this too has passed!! YAY Mason!!


  1. This pic makes me giggle!! Yay Mason!!! :)

  2. I know, me too. And he will kill me later on but I couldn't resist!!
