Saturday, February 19, 2011

37 weeks

Here we are at 37 weeks! Not much longer. Only one more Dr. visit before this baby boy will be here. Everything was great at this week's visit and we cannot wait until next week when we get to see this baby boy again...via ultrasound! We will get an estimate on his weight. The Dr. said that he will not look at the ultrasound until he has had a chance to get his estimate in and then we will compare! Any guesses?? My guess is 9lbs 5oz.


  1. My last one was a just a hair bigger than your guess there. I'm guessing 9 lbs. even! What do I win if I'm right? Can I hold that baby please? That would be a great prize! Keep me posted.

  2. Can't wait! keep me posted!!! Why didn't your puffy feet make the blog?? ;)
